samedi 16 septembre 2017

Street Style Season

De Paris à New York, la tendance au street style bat son plein.
On parle de cet art, car oui, il s'agit bien d'un art qui mêle à la fois les classiques de notre garde robe aux pièces phares du moment pour créer des tenues recherchées et complètement décalées.

On n'hésite pas sur le mélange des styles, des matières et des couleurs.
C'est donc le meilleur moment de laisser place à votre créativité pour dénicher des tenues uniques en son genre!

Outfit Details:
-Striped shirt: H&M
-Pleated Skirt: H&M
-Bag: Diorama - Dior
-Leather boots: Eram

From Paris to New York, the street style season is in full swing.
It's really an art of matching our classic clothes with the trendiest pieces of the season for an original and offbeat look.

So don't hesitate to mix all styles, materials fabrics and also the colors.
Let your imagination run for crazy outfits!

Outfit Details:
-T-shirt: H&M
-Pleated Skirt: Zara
-Bag: Rockstud - Valentino

-Heels: Zara

Outfit Details:
-Dress jeans: Vila
-Faux fur jacket: Camaïeu
-Boots: Zara

-Bag: Camaïeu
-Braided belt: H&M

Outfit Details:
-Pullover: H&M
-Pleated Skirt: Asos
-Leather jacket: NW

-Leather boots: Aldo
-Shoulder bag: Calvin Klein

Outfit Details:
-Cardigan: Zara
-Resin coated slim: Bershka
-Boots: Zara
-Belt: Stradivarius
-Backpack: Calvin Klein
-Earrings: Stradivarius

Outfit Details:
-Faux fur jacket: Zara
-Pants: Zara
-Leather boots: Aldo
-Bag: Speedy Epi Leather - Louis Vuitton

Outfit Details:
-Coat: Zara
-Slim Jeans: H&M
-Boots: Aldo
-Belt: Stradivarius
-Tote bag: Les Petites

Outfit Details:
-Sleeveless faux fur vest: Forever21
-Paper bag waist pants: H&M
-Crop top: H&M
-Pullover: H&M
-Boots: Zara
-Croco bag: Handmade from Madagascar

Outfit Details:
-Sweat shirt: H&M
-Shirt: H&M
-Pleated skirt: H&M
-Jeans jacket : Camaïeu
-Boots: Zara
-Clutch bag: Zara

Outfit Details:
-Coat: H&M
-Shirt: H&M
-Crop top: H&M
-Stirrup legging: H&M
-Boots: Zara
-Clutch bag: Mango

Outfit Details:
-Puffa Jacket: H&M Premium
-Mohair sweater: H&M
-Paper bag pants: H&M
-Leather boots: Zara
-Bag: Héritage - Longchamp

Outfit Details:
-Coat: H&M
-Pant: H&M
-Boots: Zara
-Bag: Cambon - Chanel

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